Tax Defense Victories

Accusations Outcome
A tax preparer faced a sentence of 48 months incarceration in federal prison. Sentence was successfully vacated on appeal and remanded to the District Court for resentencing.
Tax preparer was under criminal investigation by the IRS. Successfully represented the tax preparer during the investigation and avoided any civil or criminal penalties.
The owner of a dry cleaning business was under investigation by the IRS. Successfully represented the business owner during the investigation and avoided any criminal charges being brought against her.
Businessman was indicted with conspiring to defraud and making false statements to the IRS after four others plead guilty to same or similar charges and testified at trial against the accused. Federal jury returned full acquittal on all counts after deliberating less than two (2) hours in this three-week (3) trial.
Sitting judge was made the target of a federal tax investigation. Investigation ended with no charges being filed.
Tax preparer was made the target of a federal criminal tax investigation. Investigation ended with no charges being filed.
Businessman made the target of an IRS investigation into tax fraud for failure to report income. Investigation ended with no charges being filed.
Wife made subject of federal tax investigation into a joint return with husband. Investigation ended with no charges being filed.
New York City retailer alleged to owe $1.3 million in state taxes. State reduced amount owing to $50,000, saving the taxpayer $1.25 million.
Luxury boat retailer and its principals were assessed over $500,000 in state sales and use taxes. Less than $12,000 paid to satisfy all sales and use tax liability, including penalties and interest, saving the taxpayer over $488,000.
Captain of a commercial yacht was investigated as part of a criminal tax conspiracy. Taxpayer was deemed a material witness by the Department of Justice, and no charges were filed against him.
Tax preparation business was subjected to an Earned Income Tax Credit audit. No criminal charges were filed against the tax preparers. He was able to continue business operation.
Major New York City firm underwent an intensive five-year (5) eggshell audit by the IRS. No investigation or prosecution.
New York City bookkeeper was investigated for involvement with her employer’s suspected state tax evasion. Bookkeeper was deemed a material witness by the District Attorney’s Office, and no criminal charges were filed against her.
Artisan furniture maker was accused of currency structuring. Resolved civilly by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and no criminal charges were filed.
Taxpayer was audited by the IRS with regard to offshore bank accounts. Resolved in taxpayer’s favor without incident.
Taxpayer failed to report offshore account to Department of Treasury for fourteen (14) years. Assisted taxpayer in preparing and filing all appropriate FBAR forms and resolved without incident.
A wife learned after her husband’s passing that he had failed to file their tax returns for several years and that other returns needed to be amended. Coordinated with the IRS to appropriately file all outstanding returns and amend others.
The IRS attempted to close down a tax preparation business. Tax preparer avoided closure and continued operations without any interruption.
Business owner faced multiple complex federal and state tax issues. Resolved favorably.
Retained by estate to handle tax issues related to disbursement of its assets. Coordinated with the IRS to ensure all appropriate requirements were met.
Nursing home was under criminal investigation by the IRS. Nursing home owner classified as a material witness by the IRS.
Multinational corporation faced state tax issues. Corporation received $1 million refund from the State.
Korean student living in the United States had unfiled tax returns. The student made appropriate filings with the IRS, and the situation was resolved.
Taxpayer was under investigation for immigration fraud with potential tax implications. Tax issues were resolved in the taxpayer’s favor.
Taxpayer, an attorney, had several outstanding tax returns and owed significant back taxes to the IRS. The IRS accepted offer in compromise on behalf of the taxpayer.
Clothing manufacturer was alleged to owe $100,000 to the New Jersey Department of Labor. Department of Labor reduced the amount owed to $27,000, saving the taxpayer $73,000.
A businessman and his wife faced a 75% IRS civil fraud penalty. IRS reduced the penalty to 20% accuracy penalty, saving the taxpayer approximately $100,000.
State of New Jersey placed a lien on a business owner’s home due to unpaid sales taxes. Situation was resolved in business owner’s favor, and the lien was removed.
Taxpayer received a $500,000 cash inheritance and expressed concerns about potential tax issues. Resolved in taxpayer’s favor without incident.
Business executive and corporation under scrutiny by IRS. Audit completed without incident, with no criminal charges or significant penalties imposed.
Taxpayer alleged to owe significant state taxes after retiring to Florida. Reached highly favorable settlement for taxpayer with State.
Custom cabinet maker charged with pervasive federal tax evasion. No incarceration.
Tax protester federally indicted for failure to file tax returns. No incarceration.
Taxpayer failed to report offshore account to Department of Treasury for fourteen (14) years. Assisted taxpayer in preparing and filing all appropriate FBAR forms and resolved without incident.
Business executive and corporation under scrutiny by IRS. Audit completed without incident, with no criminal charges or significant penalties imposed.
Owner of a successful painting company was indicted for tax evasion and faced a statutory term of up to five (5) years in prison. Secured a split sentence of six (6) months in prison, with the ability to continue working while serving a portion of the sentence, and a $500,000 reduction in payroll tax liability.
Successful insurance broker involved in large-scale IRS investigation. Taxpayer was exonerated without any charges brought against him and was treated as only a material witness.
Founder of a successful family roofing business faced a statutory term of up to five-years’ (5) imprisonment for income tax evasion. Secured split sentence of six (6) months in prison, with the ability to continue working while serving a portion of the sentence.

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